Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fix it and Flip it - How I Lost Money on Real Estate

I've known a lot of people who have lost money when they sold their homes. In fact, I'm one of those people, and it's happened to me more than once.

There are a number of factors can cause a financial loss when you sell your house, including the need to sell at the wrong time due to divorce or an impending foreclosure, or a downturn in the local real estate market. However, it's also common to lose money simply by making too many expensive changes to the house before putting it on the market. This is how I lost money on real estate, before I wised up.

My most resounding failure in the fix it and flip it market was a house I bought in Spokane, Washington. Knowing what I know now, I would have restricted myself to replacing the carpets and the kitchen and bathroom fixtures, painting inside and out, and buying new appliances. I probably would have replaced the old-style windows, too, to make the place look nicer and appeal to the energy-conscious buyer. These fixes could have been done easily within the two years I needed to live there to avoid capital gains taxes.

Since I didn't know what I know now, I made major renovations, which included moving the bathroom. I did most of the work myself, but the materials alone cost more than I could get back when the house was sold. With the exception of repairs done to the house to make it eligible for an FHA loan and watering the grass, I doubt that any of my major projects really helped me sell the house or increased its value.

If a house is actually sound, with no structural damage or insect problems, the biggest reason it will sell for less than its worth is usually cosmetic. This was certainly true of the house I bought in Spokane. Dirty carpeting, and a wall in the living room covered with mirror tiles, kept most buyers from going any further into the house. I could see past the cosmetic problems and see the home's full potential - but my imagination went a bit too far.

The floor plan was odd, and slightly inconvenient, but leaving the bathroom where it was would have been far more rational, financially. Why didn't I do that? Because my emotions and my nesting instincts took over, pushing aside all thought of future gain or loss.

Let's face it - most people don't buy their own homes with the intention of making a profit, although they certainly hope the house will be a good investment. In fact, the emotional stress caused by the process of buying a house and moving into it can be enough to completely erase any thought of moving again a few years later. However, I know several families who have made a very good living by buying underpriced homes, living in them and fixing them up, and then selling them when the IRS will allow them to do so without paying extra taxes. Clearly, these folks don't make any changes to these houses without carefully considering the bottom line.

After my Spokane adventure, I decided to learn from my mistakes, and find out how to stop losing money on houses. I read books by authors who are experienced in fixing and flipping houses - and then read them again. When I saw that most remodeling projects almost never recoup their costs when the house is sold, I was a little shocked, because I had been guilty of almost every mistake on the list at one time or another. I know many people who have also made the same mistakes, even when they started those remodeling projects with the intention of increasing the value of their homes.

When I bought my next house, I kept that list very firmly in mind. For instance, my kitchen was badly in need of a major overhaul, (or so I believed), and it was far too small. I pored over the latest home decorating magazines, and ideas came flooding into my head. I thought about knocking out some walls, and I even tried to imagine adding on to the house to make the kitchen bigger. New cabinets would be needed, and new appliances...

In the end I painted the kitchen cabinets and replaced the sink with a new one I purchased at Ikea. I covered the chipped orange Formica counters with printed cotton fabric, and coated it with many layers of water-based Verathane that was intended to protect wood floors. The complete "remodel" cost less than $400, as opposed to the thousands of dollars that I would have spent if I followed through on my idle dreams of a "perfect" kitchen. Since the house sold at a very good price within two weeks of listing it, my buyer obviously didn't mind that the kitchen didn't meet my idea of perfect. Because I kept my costs down, I made a handy profit on the sale.

Would I have been able to sell the house for more money if the kitchen had been remodeled and expanded? Perhaps, but not enough to cover the cost of the remodel. Although the National Association of Realtors lists a kitchen remodel as one of the projects that will increase a house the most, they still advise that you should expect to get back only 80% of the costs. If your new kitchen is far fancier, bigger, and more expensive than any other kitchen in the neighborhood, the returns will be even less. A full kitchen remodel can cost thousands of dollars, so the 20% you don't get back can be a big chunk of change.

Does this mean that you shouldn't make changes to your home that would make you happy? Not at all, especially if you intend to live there for many years. But it does pay to sit down with your spouse or partner before you start making your remodeling plans, determine exactly how long you'll be staying in the home, and then think about the full financial implications of the remodeling project. Even if you don't think of yourself as a professional house flipper, it might pay to slow down a bit and find ways to improve the home without spending money you'll never see again. As a bonus, your family might be able to avoid the stress and disruption of all that remodeling mess.

Jonni Good is the author of a new report that shows how she used these fix it and flip it ideas - and how the profit allowed her to buy her next house with cash. Visit - http://www.BuyAHouseWithCash.comAlis Blog86532
Alica Blog67319

Need Money? You Asset Can Get You Cheap Secured Personal Loans

In a world where money is playing such a critical role, you cannot afford to stay a single moment without sufficient fund. Money is needed for your each and every action that you perform. But imagine that in this scenario, if you face a cash shortage due to any reason, what would you do. The answer is simple- you will go for a loan that is affordable, is available at the right time and is convenient to repay. Such an opportunity is provided by cheap secured personal loans which will not only fill the cash gap but also make your financial life healthy. Let us see how it works.

Cheap secured personal loans are such loan products that offer you money for almost any kind of purpose. This is because personal loans are available for your personal needs which can be anything. When you are applying for these loans, you need not tell the lender the purpose of this loan. So whether you have to meet your medical bill or business expenses, or you have to purchase a home or a car, do not worry. Cheap secured personal loans are available for you.

In order to avail a cheap secured personal loan, you should firstly make up your mind as to what security you are going to put as collateral. Since it is a secured loan, you are required to put collateral against the loan amount. You can place any valuable property such as your home, car, jewelry, or any other asset that is equal to or greater than the loan value. This gives you an additional benefit of getting a good loan amount because collateral gives lender an assurance that his money is not at risk and that if you fail to repay, he can always repossess your asset.

You can get a cheap secured personal loan with an amount ranging from 3000-25,000. However, the loan value can even extend up to 100,000 depending upon your requirements and the collateral that you put. The repayment term is usually 3-25 years.

The interest rate charged with secured personal loans depends on the loan amount and the repayment. However you can get a cheap and reasonable loan by applying to the online loan lending services. Online lenders provide you a list of lenders who offer secured personal loans at cheap rates. Among them you can easily compare and choose the best and reasonable lender. Online lenders also provide you ease in filling the application form. They offer you fund within as fast as 10-12 days. This is because it has a least number of paperwork and verification process.

Cheap secured personal loans provide funds for all. People with bad credit or no credit history can also apply. They will be offered a loan deal that will suit their financial situations.

Loans are available widely. But cheap secured personal loans provide you the best deal. Apply now and get maximum benefits.

Amanda Thompson holds a Bachelors degree in Commerce from CPIT and has completed her masters in Business Administration from IGNOU.She is working as financial consultant for chanceforloans . To find a Cheap secured personal loans ,Debt consolidation loans, Cheap rates, Personal loans,Secured loans, Unsecured loan visit http://www.chanceforloans.co.uk.Arabele Blog84796
Ada Blog85176

How to Finally Quit Smoking

More than four hundred and forty thousand people die in the United States each year from smoking. Smoking is directly responsible for causing lung cancer, heart disease, strokes, and pregnancy complications, not to mention contributing to overall poorer health. So why do so many people still smoke? Because trying to quit is one of the most difficult things to do. However, you CAN do it with a little help and determination.

If you smoke and have tried to quit, you know how difficult and painful it can be. Many people actually try a number of times before they are successful. What makes it so difficult is the fact that nicotine is an incredibly addictive drug, on the same level as cocaine or heroin.

Switching to low-tar and/or low-nicotine cigarettes is a tactic that many people try, thinking that it will be less harmful. However, because nicotine is so addicting, switching will only make you puff harder and more often on each cigarette. Your only choice for your bodys health is to quit completely.

In spite of the many risks associated with smoking, some smokers, particularly women, believe there are also risks associated with quitting. These perceived risks, gaining weight, increased stress, and damaging relationships with friends who do smoke, can reduce a smokers motivation to quit resulting in a lower chance of success.

What can help motivate a smoker to quit? Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you will ever do. Consider the following:


*First and foremost, you will live longer and you will live a healthier life.

*Your risk for developing heart disease, cancer, lung disease, stroke and other health conditions will diminish significantly.

*Your family will no longer be subjected to breathing in your smoke. Secondhand smoke kills!

*If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, stopping smoking will improve your babys chances of being healthy.

*You will be amazed at how much better you will feel and how much better you will be able to taste and smell.

*You will save money. (The price of cigarettes today means you will save a lot of money!)


When you are ready to quit, follow the steps below. They will increase your chances of success and help you kick the habit for good.

*Set a quit date and stick to it. Period.

*Change your environment. You MUST do this to succeed.

1. Get rid of every ashtray you have, in your home, your car, your office, everywhere.

2. Do not allow anyone to smoke in your home, ever.

3. If you associate any particular item or event with smoking, such as having a cup of coffee, eliminate those things for a period of at least a couple of months.

*Change your behaviors.

1. When you have the urge to smoke, participate in activities that will distract you like going for a long, leisurely walk with a friend or family member, clean house, play with your kids, call a support person to talk you through the tough time.

2. Change your routine. Drink hot tea instead of coffee, instead of eating in front of the TV, eat at the kitchen table with your family.

3. Try some soothing stress reducers like taking a long hot bath, starting an exercise regimen, or reading a good book.

4. Plan something different or enjoyable every day, whether it is a solitary activity or something to do with family or friends.

*If you have made previous attempts to quit and failed, analyze those attempts and try to deduce why they did not work.

*You will have a better chance of success, if you enlist the support of others.

1. Tell everyone you know, your family, friends, and co-workers that you are going to quit and ask for their support.

2. Ask them not to smoke around you and not to leave cigarettes laying around.

3. Find out what kind of support programs your local hospital or health care center offer.

4. There are medications that can double your chances of success. Ask your doctor for advice.

*Drink lots of water to help flush the toxins out of your body. Drinking a lot of water will also help fill you up so you will not be so inclined to overeat.

*Once you quit, DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER PUFF, EVER! Keep yourself away from as much temptation as possible.


Many people have relapses within the first couple of months after quitting and many people try to quit several times before they are successful at it. Do not be discouraged and give up if this happens. Set a new date and start over but DO NOT GIVE UP! Below are situations that may challenge you:

*DO NOT BE AROUND OTHER SMOKERS unless you have to. Being around other people who are smoking when you are trying to quit can be an agonizing experience.

*DO NOT GET DEPRESSED. There are many ways to uplift your spirits. Count your blessings, congratulate yourself for quitting, and find something to do that you enjoy.

*AVOID DRINKING ALCOHOL. It can lower your chance of success.

*DO NOT WORRY ABOUT WEIGHT GAIN. The most common concern for many people who are considering giving up smoking is weight gain. Do not ever use this as an excuse.

While most people usually gain around 10 pounds after they quit smoking, there is no reason you have to. Follow a healthy eating plan and get 20 minutes of physical activity every day.

Follow the tips above. You CAN quit smoking!

Chris Chenoweth is the author of the DO-IT-YOURSELF HOME, HEALTH & MONEY GUIDE, 500 pages of household tips, home remedies, diet and nutrition information, health issues and thousands of recipes! http://www.money-home-biz.com. Arabele Blog84796
Andra Blog96444

Boost Business With Back to School Promotions

With the start of the school year just mere weeks away for some, it's hard to believe that the graduating class of 2008 is about to take their place in the academic world. Whether they're in college, high school, or even elementary school, the one fact that's known is that major retailers are focusing on the back to school season even earlier than usual. Bed, Bath, and Beyond launched their "College Bound" seasonal department at the end of June, placing their summer merchandise in the clearance section. Armed with the knowledge that many local elementary and high schools were just beginning their summer vacations, I still wasn't surprised by the display. In the retail market "Merry Christmas" is posted in stores and malls before kids have even put the final touches on their Halloween costumes, or uttered the words "Trick or Treat."

In the promotional products world, the term "Shop Early" is gospel to some customers. Purchasing promotional products early not only allows buyers to avoid rush charges, but it can have a distinct impact, if the promotional item is a seasonal giveaway. The "Back to School" market is no different. Retailers don't need to be the only ones capitalizing on the revenue brought in by lap desks, bean bag, chairs and dorm accessories. The average business can gain revenue by promoting themselves with back to school items as well. Here are five tips as to how to go about gaining the revenue of the back to school market, even if you aren't in the business of selling extra-long sheets and binders.

-Know your target audience. If you know who you're aiming to reach, it'll make it ten times easier to pick a promotional item. After school tutoring programs could benefit from handing out imprinted folders or book covers more so then an imprinted pencil or pen, because there's a better chance of parents seeing them.

-Stick with the classics. According to the National Retail Federation, the average mid-western family will spend approximately $521 on school supplies this summer. And here's another fact that needs no official reference: they don't want to. Imprinted rulers and calculators are simple items and though they may seem boring, especially with the vast assortment of promotional items available, they'll get used. Why? They're classic and they're on every school's back to school shopping list!

-If you have the money to be tech savvy, go for it. The flash memory market is huge. Mom and pop stores are most likely not going to be able to afford to hand out promotional usb drives, but banks specializing in loans should consider them. Offer them up in August as an incentive to open a student checking account, and load them with data about handling your own finances for the first time. Parents and students will be appreciative.

-Think Long-term. The items that students have at the beginning of the school year don't usually last until the end of it. Giving out a promotional planner, for instance ensures that students will have something that can use all year round. That's 12 months of branding, right there.

-Pens are ALWAYS in demand. The typical student, college or otherwise, will always be in search of a writing instrument. Offer up a free pen imprinted with your logo, and it will save them the trouble and cost of buying pens. Promotional pens are excellent ways to brand your message as they're almost always loaned out, which means your message is circulating. And in the end, isn't that really the intention?

Sarah Shepherd is an E-Marketing consultant for Motivators.com, a leading supplier of custom imprinted promotional products. The fully e-commerce enabled website boasts over 28,000 customizable promotional products and is accessible 24 hours a day at http://www.motivators.com.Alvina Blog99946
Adelind Blog58430

Just What Is Commercial Foreclosure Law?

The cast of characters. Everyone knows what a bank is. Most of us understand what a lender is an institution from whom money is borrowed. Adding the word commercial to describe a lender simply means that the financial entity deals with businesses as opposed to individuals. Blacks Law Dictionary defines commercial loans as: loans made to businesses as distinguished from personal-consumer credit loans. Although a lender could make both commercial and consumer loans, this blog is dedicated primarily to commercial matters.

The field of law. To me, commercial foreclosure law refers to the rules and procedures applicable when a business defaults on a loan secured by some kind of collateral. So, if you work for an institution that loaned money to a business, and if the borrower defaulted under the terms of the loan agreement, then commercial foreclosure law provides the judicial framework for the protection of your rights. Typically, those rights involve the ability to collect money owed by the borrower through the sale of the loan collateral.

Collateral. Blacks states that collateral is property pledged as security for the satisfaction of a debt. If a business defaults on a loan, the lender can initiate a foreclosure action to compel the sale of the loan collateral and therefore collect the amounts owed by the borrower through proceeds from the sale. There are all kinds of business-related collateral. Perhaps the most recognizable is real estate the land a business owns. Some of the most interesting cases, however, deal with personal property collateral, which can be any property imaginable that is owned by a business a fleet of cars, office furniture or intangibles such as accounts receivable.

Lien. A lien is a description of an encumbrance on property: a claim . . . on property for payment of some debt. Blacks. In the context of my blog, a lien arises by written contract between a lender and a borrower either a real estate mortgage agreement or a personal property security agreement. The lien granted by a borrower to a lender gives a lender the right to foreclose upon the subject property (collateral) for payment of the debt in the event of a default.

Commercial foreclosure. Turning again to Blacks, a foreclosure is defined, in part, as the enforcement of a lien . . . or mortgage . . .. Paraphrasing Blacks, foreclosure is the legal process by which real or personal property subject to a lien is sold in satisfaction of a debt. To foreclose means to terminate a borrowers rights in the subject property. A foreclosure that is commercial merely refers to the termination of a business borrowers rights in its property.

A form of collection. Commercial foreclosure law is a special kind of collection law. Its a body of rules governing how banks and financial institutions recover money by asserting rights in, and selling, collateral that a business granted to secure the loan. Its the set of legal principles applicable to a lender needing to collect money owed by a business, which failed to make its loan payments or otherwise defaulted under the terms of the loan documents. If any of these matters are relevant to what you do for a living, I welcome your visits to my blog and hope that you will e-mail me with your questions or comments.

John D. Waller is a partner at the Indianapolis law firm of Wooden & McLaughlin LLP (http://www.woodmclaw.com). He publishes the blog Indiana Commercial Foreclosure Law at http://commercialforeclosureblog.typepad.com. Johns phone number is 317-639-6151, and his e-mail address is jwaller@woodmclaw.com.Amalea Blog69201
Adriana Blog46079

High Staff Productivity

One of the reasons business owners may start a business is to make money.

Because of this, I have found that business owners tend to think that money is the major motivator for employees too.

This may be true for some employees, yet its certainly not true for all employees.

I have found that most employees first and foremost want a place that appreciates them.

A place where they feel acknowledged and that they are making a contribution.

Money is about fourth on their list of priorities.

Yet if you fail on the first 3, that is, the employee doesnt feel appreciated, doesnt feel acknowledged and doesnt feel like they are contributing the money thing will rise seemingly to the top.

And theyll tell you that they NEED a pay rise to stay.

For a large part the reality is that what they are really saying is to put up with all the garbage here at work I need to get paid more.

I have a lot of business owners that come to me and specifically ask me for incentives that will help their staff become productive. Yet these business owners have a business that financially isnt in a position to pay these incentives.

They think that cash incentives will fire up their team, and get them productive. And in turn it will save the business.

Most of the time this idea is off the mark.

If you need incentives to fire your staff up, you need to go back and fix the crux of the problem.

The reality is this

I have seen many, many businesses where people come in and work their buts off for little or no money. and love it.

In fact when a well known Motivational Speaker comes to town hundreds of people volunteer to work for free - like mad men for weeks and even months and do you know what they love it.

You also see this with the volunteers that work at the Olympics.

They do it because they feel like they are a part of something special. And to employees that means a lot.

For us as business owners we have to be able to think like employees.

Not everyone thinks like us. Not everyone thinks like a business owner.

Not everyone wants to start their business. Not everyone wants to earn a million dollars.

You know what, there are people out there that are quite happy to earn a wage and yet still give a million percent.

Not everyone is money driven.

And not everyone will put up with working a million hours to grow your business (like you do).

Im a big on being fair with people. But like any relationship theres two sides. And both sides must contribute and perform for the relationship to work.

Firstly youve got to employ hard workers not people that are inclined to bludge.

People are either hard workers, or they are not.

Its a skill that I teach my clients to pick in people when they hire. Its simple to do.

Im a BIG believer in getting hard working passionate people into your business and then rewarding them.

Appreciate them, acknowledge them and make sure they are doing things in your business that allow them to feel like they are contributing in a positive way.

I disagree with getting people into your business that tend to bludge and paying them to work harder.

And even worse, I dont agree with offering incentives to already unproductive people.

Its the wrong way around and youll find that theyll start running your business youll be looking for ways to make them work which will take time from you growing the business or enjoying your lifestyle.

Now lets talk about money driven employees

If you have a staff member whose major motivation is money theyll probably be gone as soon as someone comes along with a better offer.

The answer is this

Create a business and build an environment that people love to work in. A business that attracts hard working passionate employees.

Its what I will teach you if you choose to join me on my 1-on-1 business coaching program.

All great business owners create a business that their employees can buy into with their heart

When your employees are involved in your business from their heart, they take pride in what they do, who they are and pride in the business. They want to work, they want to produce and they want the owner and the business to achieve.

And you can do the same.

Because if your employees love what you stand for, If they love where you are going and love the way they are treated you wont have to look-over their shoulder you wont have to keep your eye on them

Because theyll be doing what they love.

And if they love what they are doing theyll do it to the best of their ability.

Youll have to send them home, youll have to tell them to take holidays.

Theyll drum up business for you when theyre walking down the street or out on the week end because they are passionate about your business.

And when it comes down to paying them, you can choose what you want to pay them because youll be delighted with how they work, and their productivity.

So how to you pay these people?

Theres a number of smart ways that I take my clients through which I can take you through on my 1-on-1 business coaching program

In essence you reward them for their work, not pay them to work.

Let me explain.

After years of working with extraordinary business owners I have found this

They normally start off their business with little or no money They employ people on industry standard pays then as the people produce and deliver their pay packets increase.

By the time the business owner becomes very, very successful almost everyone in the business is on a great pay packet. Because everyone is productive.

If they arent productive, they arent employed.

So take these millionaire lessons on board with you.

Dont bribe your people with money.

Create a business where passionate hard working employees want to work.

And they will work hard; theyll be productive because its their nature.

Theyll stay and continue to work for a business that they love to work for.

As a result your business will grow and as your business grows you have the resources to reward them.

Thats the secret to having high staff productivity.

Copyright © 2006 by Casey Gollan. All Rights Reserved

Casey Gollan, Business Coach, Mentor And Growth Specialist. Grows $1 Million p.a. Small Businesses Into $2 to $5 Million p.a. Businesses Over a 2 to 3 Year Period.Amalea Blog69201
Aprilette Blog59249

How And When To Teach Your Kids About Money

As a child, money seems to somehow grow on trees as mum and dad always appear to have money to buy things.

Even though this is clearly not the case, its unfortunately the perception of children who live in a very consumer oriented world.

Rather than letting your child grow up thinking that money comes easily, you need to institute some form of education that teaches them how to understand and use money wisely.

Teach them young and they will carry forward that knowledge and live a better financial life. Heres a few tips how :

From ages 3 - 7

1. Show them the value of money by explaining what $2 can and can't buy. It may be an idea to do this whilst walking down the super market aisle or toy aisle (if you are game!).

2. Let them watch you pay for things. You may even start by letting them hand over the cash or pressing the OK button on the ATM.

3. Do not give them notes. Pay their pocket money in coins as your children need to understand how to allocate their money.

4. Show them how to visualise their goals. Get them to draw what they want to save up for. Keep the goals realistic otherwise they will very quickly lose interest.

What they learn -

Different things have different values.
Money simply doesn't grow on trees and that you have to work for your money.
You have to allocate your money for different things

From ages 7 - 12

1. Encourage them to participate in the school banking programme. This will give them a sense of regular commitment to savings.

2. Get them interested in looking at their bank statements and following how much money they are saving. This will get them used to scanning banking paperwork.

3. Get them to start thinking of a long term saving goal and work out how long it will take them to reach that goal.

4. Give them a combination of notes and coins for their pocket money. This will really strengthen their allocation abilities and efficient usage of spare change.

5. Start showing them the family bills and explain positively that the bills have to be paid to keep the family going.

What they will learn
Saving is a planned activity and something that needs a bit of thought rather that just putting away what's left over.
The value of small change
It takes a fair bit of money and good money management skills to keep a roof over their head.

For Teenagers

1. Encourage them to set up their own bank account and use internet banking.

2. Direct debit their pocket money into their account. This will get them used to dealing with intangible payments, and that electronic money is not just a set of numbers.

3. Make them responsible for their own bills such as mobiles. This is a very quick way to teach them how to spend wisely.

4. Try not to lend money to them for purchases that are of an extravagant nature. If they really want it, encourage them to get a part time job to save up enough. If you do loan money to them, do so only on the grounds that you will reduce the amount of their pocket money until the loan is paid.

5. Charge them board if they have a part time job - this will start getting them into the habit of paying their way for things they take for granted - like food and shelter!!

6. Introduce them to the concept of return on investment. Show them the value of putting some of their money into high interest savings accounts or even into managed investments.

7. Highlight the fact that if they start now they will be so much better off down the track.

What they learn

Not only will they learn more modern and more efficient banking techniques they will also learn how to curb their wants, or find ways to earn rather than going into debt for something that is not totally necessary.

It takes money to create money.

Greg R Smith is money expert from Australia who is recognized for his gift to translate the often complex money world into simple over the kitchen table language. He is a qualified financial planner with over 20 years experience and is also a best selling an author, TV presenter, columnist, public speaker and radio presenter. He is also the inventor of a revolutionary money box that will change the way children learn about money forever - visit http://www.moneyedbox.com for more.Antonietta Blog35642
Allegra Blog63499

How to Maximize Your Credit Card Rewards

Been sucked in to the lure of a rewards credit card only to get burned in the end by high interest rates and a less than stellar return when it came time to cash in those points? Youre not alone.

For credit card companies, acquiring customers is big business, and most cards today offer some kind of incentive for running up the charges on your plastic. If youre not careful, and use your card at will just to collect a few measly points, you could get stung. But by following a few simple rules, you can turn the tables on the credit cards companies and use that rewards card to your advantage.

What to choose?

Most likely, your mailbox is full of pre-approved offers for new and exciting credit cards. In fact, in 2005 over 6 billion unsolicited credit card applications were mailed. The average person received approximately 72 offers. If youre in the market for a new card, its important to weigh your options carefully. Most credit cards today offer some kind of rewards, but which one is right for you?

Take a look at your lifestyle and spending habits. Would you benefit from a points-based rewards card, an air mileage card, or one that offers cash back on purchases? Points-based cards usually give you one point for every dollar charged. When you accumulate enough, the credit card company will usually have a shopping portal set up, where you can redeem your points on a variety of products (e.g., electronics, gas cards, travel, etc.).

Problem is, most items in the catalogue are ludicrously overpriced, though its better than nothing. Air mileage cards offer great benefits to the frequent flier, but in todays airline industry, whos to say how much fees will be raised by the time youre ready to redeem? With cash back cards, theres most likely a set amount youll need to charge annually before you reap any benefits, so make sure you read the fine print before you sign up.

Take Advantage

Quite simply, offering incentive-laden cards are a way for credit card companies to get you to sign up. Rarely are the rewards worth the interest rates youll pay if you carry a monthly balance. But therein lies the rubpay off your credit card every month and put those rewards to work. Heres how: Charge as much as you can on your rewards card. We know, it goes against everything you were ever taught about using a credit card. Let us explain.

If your collectors allow it, charge every bill you have to your credit card instead of using a debit card or writing a check. Then, pay that balance off immediately to avoid incurring an interest fee. Youll collect big rewards points fast, and itll be just like paying cash. Be disciplined about it though, even one month of letting those charges sit on your card can be a killer when the fee kicks in.

Another idea: instead of having separate credit card accounts for you and your spouse, ask for an increase in your credit limit and a companion card for one account. The more you both swipe the plastic, the quicker youll accumulate rewards points.

Off the beaten path

As rewards cards have become more prevalent, credit card companies have come up with new incentives to make their cards more desirable to consumers. Many cards have a system that provides extra rewards points to customers who shop with certain vendors. Some will even offer coupons where you can save big shopping with certain companies while still earning extra points. It might take a little more effort, but it will certainly rack up the rewards points at a vigorous pace.

Joe Kenny writes for the Card Guide, a UK based credit card comparison site, visit today for some balance transfers and clear your credit card debt today.Alidia Blog86095
Alejandrina Blog85483

Ultimate Wealth Package. Make Money on the Internet? ....A Review

Ultimate Wealth Package.Make Money on the Internet? ....A Review

What is Ultimate Wealth Package all about?

If making money online sounds good to you, the Ultimate Wealth Package guides you step-by-step. The Ultimate Wealth Package tells you how and where to start so you wont waste precious time and money.

Does Ultimate Wealth Package work?

The Ultimate Wealth Package is a guide that has been put together by a young man named Mark Warren who has made a fortune on the internet. With his best-selling Unlimited Wealth Package you will learn as you go---how to build cheap websites and start making money online. If you follow the foundation laid out in Ultimate Wealth Package, with a little perseverance and practice you will soon be growing your own home business.

How does Ultimate Wealth Package compare with other programs?

There are numerous money making programs for sale on the internet. The Ultimate Wealth Package covers every form of making money online that I have heard of and then some. Ultimate Wealth Package is written in a very direct fashion with no fluff---just solid instructions that you can follow to make money on the internet.

Do you recommend Ultimate Wealth Package?

There is a learning curve involved with Ultimate Wealth Package. How quickly you will begin making money online is up to you and the amount of time and energy you invest. The Ultimate Wealth Package is very easy to follow and understand. The time invested will pay dividends for life. So, yes, I definitely recommend Ultimate Wealth Package.

To check out Ultimate Wealth Package click here:

Robert Henie has spent the past 24 years researching and analyzing home based businesses. Anallese Blog1537
Amargo Blog40332

The 'eVo'lution of Free Work at Home Online Business Opportunities

Have you heard of Project ePlay yet?

It promises to be bigger that MySpace and You Tube combined, and includes a fantastic twist on the theme of social networking. Social Networking sites (ie. MySpace, Facebook, Hi5) are becoming the most popular sites visited on the web today. On July 15th 2007 we will see a new force enter the arena of social networking that is promising to be bigger and better than all the rest

Project eplay has been making some quiet waves across the internet. Using the viral nature of the web and the power of affiliate marketing, the people behind eVo, or Project ePlay are set to break some internet financial records.

How do they stand to make so much money from this site?

This new website is going to add a new element that has not been included in any other social networking site; games. Not just any games though. The included games will be skill based games where you can put your money where your mouth is. You will be able to wager real money against your friends and win cash.

Here is where I got excited.

The creators of this site have taken a unique approach to ensure that their site will dominate all other social networking sites. All members that pre-register for free on the registration site will earn cash rewards for all of the friends that they refer and have an opportunity to earn a commission of every wager that is made by the people that you refer.

Imagine if you got paid for every friend you referred to Facebook or Myspace, or if you referred people to Party Poker before it was big and made a small percentage of their revenues. This is what the people behind eVo are offering.

If you are interested in learning more about eVo and Project ePlay then visit http://www.evo-play.net

Chris Whiteley makes his living staring at a computer screen. By spending countless hours buring his retinas surfing the web and running his websites http://www.thewhiteblog.com and http://www.whiteleyenterprises.net, Chris is enabling the average person to thrive in Online Home Business world. For more information please visit http://www.thewhiteblog.comAnetta Blog97040
Audre Blog80301

Increase Traffic

Anybody who has a website wants to increase the search engine traffic that will lead people to their site. You can't just snap your fingers and expect to have a lot of search engine traffic, you have to put some work into it. You need to be able to grab the search engines attention.

The work begins with the content of your site. You need to zone in on your target audience and make your site about that. Then you need to make sure your content is full of keywords that are connected to the content of your site so you can pull in the search engines. Be careful not to overfill your website with key words, this could make the search engine think you are trying to cheat. Keyword rich is just blending the keywords in with main content of your site. You will need the most significant keyword to the content of your site in the domain name as well. Plus, if your site has been in the search engine for a while, you need to update the content or change it so as to keep the interest of people as well as the search engine.

Another way to increase search engine traffic is by posting links to your sites on other sites. It does not matter if it is another one of your own sites or a site that belongs to some other person or business, get your site noticed with many other links. Plus, submit you site to as many search engines as you can. Common sense will tell you that the more opportunity that you give people to access you site, the more chance that you will have traffic. Adding links to your site in other places and by adding your site to many different search engines it bound to increase the search engine traffic, there in, leading people to your site.

When you don't have the time or energy to keep up your site but still want to increase search engine traffic, then you should consider hiring a professional search engine optimizer. They will make sure that your site is complying with all of the search engine rules, while keeping the information up to date and seeing that the search engines will like your site. This may cost you a lot but for bigger companies this is a must. A professional will take the stress off of you while increasing search engine traffic to your site.

Eric SullivanAnnmaria Blog62385
Ardra Blog66532

Is Our Government To Blame For High Gas Prices?

Front and center in every form of media is the rising cost of oil and gas. It affects the lifestyles of every American and the costs of all goods and services we use. Many of us are shaking our fists and looking for somebody to blame. Before we start pointing the finger elsewhere maybe we should point it at ourselves.

To our Governments credit, they realized the problem and have done something about it. They passed federal tax incentives that pay each and every American to make their home and business more energy efficient. Our government passes laws that benefit us financially when they want or need us to take action. Have you made your home more energy efficient and done your part to reduce our dependence on foreign countries?

Ill wager you that the percentage of Americans who have made their property more energy efficient and taken advantage of this tax break is very small. If most Americans took this simple inexpensive step (Almost paid in full by our government) we could dramatically reduce our oil consumption.

There are inexpensive revolutionary new products now available to the public that can slash your prices of both gasoline and your electric bill. Almost all new homes being built now have these energy saving products. Doing their part, our Government continues to raise the energy efficiency requirements for appliances and other items via building codes.

One of the best ways to slash your electric bill by 20% or more is to install radiant barrier in your attic. It reflects 95% of the heat before it enters your house. It can reduce the temperature in your home by almost 20 degrees. The average cost for a 1200 square foot home would be under $1,000.00. The government tax break allows a $500.00 tax credit. You could see a $400.00 monthly electric bill drop to around $300.00. It could pay for itself within a year and the government pays most of the bill. If every American took advantage of this, it would reduce our consumption and dependence of other nations by millions of barrels of oil. In turn, you would also save energy on fist wagging and the price of gas.

In America almost 400 Senior Citizens die a year because of heat trauma. If every elder had radiant barrier installed in his or her home and it reduced the temperature by almost 20 degrees inside I wonder how many lives it would save? I recommend you use the radiant barrier provided by Hy-Tech Thermal Solutions. The only incentive I receive by endorsing this product is the satisfaction of knowing that I provided you with a safe product that works.

There is a new product called Enviro-Max Plus that is a fuel additive that actually works. When added to your gas tank it will increase your gas mileage by 30%. They claim that for every dollar you spend on their product you will save three dollars in gas. A friend used the additive on his way to Florida and he used two- tanks of fuel. On his way home he did not use it and it took 4 tanks of diesel to return home. It almost cut his diesel fuel consumption by half. A simple web search will inform you where to buy it and how to be a reseller to make extra money while helping our nation. I have noticed other copycat companies providing similar products and I would use caution.

We now have a paint additive available that will reflect 95% of the heat away from your home. It is the same technology used on the space shuttle and jet engines on our airplanes. This ceramic technology has been around since the 1950s but only recently available to the public thanks to the testing by NASA and Hy-Tech Thermal Solutions. It is the cheapest non-traditional insulation you can buy for your home with the average extra cost of only $120.00.

By visiting the Department of Energy online you can learn many inexpensive ways to save energy in your home and cut your electric bill by 25%. They also provide testing results of Radiant Barrier from 1991. They should update these test results because radiant barrier products have improved.

Other ways we can all do our part to protect our nation and environment is by recycling everything, install a solar backup energy supply, only buy from or invest in companies who are environmentally friendly and invest in innovative alternative energy, only install white reflective shingles on our roofs, buy energy star products and appliances, or by giving unwanted items away versus throwing them in the dump.

We can also blame our media for our lack of knowledge of this new technology. Americans are suspicious of new untraditional products and it takes time for us to accept them. Several salesmen could tell us about them but we wont adopt them until the mass media informs us. The media should be more problem-solution oriented. They will print information about the new tax laws, but dont offer information about the new products it covers. When they talk about the high price of gas they should offer us ways to battle this problem with these new products. The media seems more interested in propaganda and the latest new widget versus their responsibility to inform and lead our nation in the right direction.

We live in the greatest nation on earth. It is a free country that we had the luxury of being born in. For that reason we have the right to remain inactive, wave our fists at and blame our government or corporations all we want. I maintain that the status of our nation and the world requires action from each and every American to do our part to conserve our natural resources. If we dont - it could very well lead to our demise. America can be defeated by its own citizens, as the Romans.

Dale Adams of Majestic Publishers is the author of the new book, Care Giving Made Easy How to be an Awesome Caregiver. His many experiences include being a Security Consultant, General Contractor and Energy Conservation Specialist. To learn more valuable information visit: http://www.majesticpublishers.comAlyce Blog12872
Angelica Blog93362

6 Danger Signs You May Be Headed toward 'Sales Management' Micro-Management

Do you Choose to 'Supervise' or Elect to 'Organize'? Find out Here.

1) Do you monitor and manage tasks or do you identify and train to essential competencies?

Do you want to know the big difference between due diligence and a core competency?

Here's a classic example:

Collecting 50 business cards per day is an act of data procurement, while training to a 60% conversation to appointment ratio is focusing on an essential component to ensure your sales team's success.

Don't focus on accountability to tasks but enlighten to identification. It's much more important to teach your people the "business" of the business they're in.

If you currently have your sales team accountable to tasks, then you're merely "managing" tasks. In order to become more effective - you should be training on measurement of competencies so your people can 'run their own business.'

2) You measure details not directly related to performance and results.

A telecommunications sales manager proudly told me he requires his sales reps to document '100 dials per day.'

I was shocked when I heard this. I asked him if he was in the 'dialing' business or the 'communication' business.

Think about it for a minute. What does the measurement of 'dials' have to do with performance or results? Can you ever improve your dialing skills?

It's insane to waste time and energy measuring that type of stuff when there are so many other "valuable" things to measure.

The focusing of measurement not related to "performance and results" takes you away from the real dealessential competencies.

In the X2 system 'Show Time' begins with the actual conversation, a measurable competency that we can attach to systems and training for critical improvement.

By measuring these competencies you'll spend less time documenting insignificant information and more time analyzing meaningful business metrics.

3) You attempt to manage your subordinate's 'time'.

During the playoffs, a winning college coach was interviewed about his coaching philosophy

He said:

"You develop the best game plan you can, build systems and processes to help support it, train everyone how to work within it, and then let the players go out and unleash their natural abilities. You let them play the game between the lines."

Makes sense doesn't it?

Most sales reps will be accountable to results if you identify the important competencies required for success. Your job is to supply targeted training with appropriate structures for learning and application, and measure degrees of improvement.

4) You require detailed forecasting beyond your normal sales cycle.

It's hard to imagine a management strategy more toxic than this one.

Because only two things can result and both are disastrous.

Let's say your average sales cycle is 27 days and you require your team to supply a 30, 60 and 90 day forecast. First of all, the forecasts you get won't be very accurate to the actual results. Second, it will probably be resented and considered 'busy work.'

Here's a much better idea:

Set up your forecast to the time within your control - in this case a 30-day rotating calendar. Define a business rule for forecasting accounts on a weekly basis.

Ask empowering questions:

" Has it passed the defined gateways to be included on your opportunity list?

" Have you helped the sales rep 'scrub it' to make sure it's realistic and not pie-in-the-sky?

" Have the proper strategies and tactics been implemented per account to effect a higher closing ratio?

Bring your forecast accountability back within your normal sales cycle for more focus and better results.

5) Do you see yourself as a people manager or a behavior coach?

Attempting to manage people delivers rather poor results. (It really does!)

People usually resent being 'managed'. They feel controlled and naturally become defensiveespecially sales people who are self-starters and consistent producers. That's why experts say to manage to 'required behaviors.' I have always believed in taking it one step further. Here's an example of what I mean. Webster's dictionary defines behavior as 'an act'. You can tell people how to act or show people how to act. I suggest you do this with transferable systems and powerful routines that are in line with the competencies that will improve their results. (You decide)

6) Is your management style the same for self-starters as it is for mediocre performers?

Think about it

Your ultimate goal is to empower ALL your sales people to be self-sustained performers, right? Some people need more help than others - but top producers usually only need to be held to general points of accountability.

My adviceBack off!

If they have a sales drill that works, let them work it. Define your management style and processes in line with performance benchmarks and results.

For everyone else - Diversify your degree of 'hands-on' management in line with routine results and declare those milestones as the road to becoming a self-sustained professional.

Jeff Hardesty is a National sales speaker, Sales performance improvement consultant and the Developer of the X2 Sales System, a blended sales prospecting training system that teaches sales professionals the competency of setting targeted C-level business appointments. Alexis Blog83774
Alexandra Blog73509

iPod Vs. Zune: Music and Video Download Sites

There are many folks that hate both Apple and Microsoft portable media products. Apple makes iPod and Microsoft makes Zune. Fortunately for the consumer, there are other good portable media players out there now but do not have the same visibility as Apple and Microsoft products. Discussion about these other portable media players like SanDisks Sansa series and Creatives Zen series devices are beyond the scope of this article. This article is about basic iPod and Zune similarities and differences. In addition, sources for purchasing music online for iPod and Zune will be briefly discussed.

The iPod is a portable media players designed and marketed by Apple and released to the public in 2001. Currently, as a digital audio player, the iPod is the best-selling music player in history. Zune is Microsoft's digital audio player, released in 2006, directly competing with Apples iPod. Each of these portable media players deliver what it was intended to do which is to play music or audio, display images, and play video. Each has their pros and cons.

There are many Zune and IPod similarities and I will list major ones. They each have the same starting price of around $249, disk storage, picture capacity, screen resolution, and aspect ratio. They play audio, pictures, and video. They have USB connection (to another device, typically a computer), battery, and similar battery life.

Both devices support MP3, MP4, M4A, M4B (for audio), and MOV (for video) file formats. The Zune favors Windows Media Audio (WMA) while iPod has its protected AAC format. When it comes to exchanging files, you will need software tools to convert your iTunes files to MP3 or convert Zune WMA files to MP3. Both systems support JPGs (for still images) and MPGs (for video).

There are advantages that Zune has over iPod. Approximately 60 hours more video can be stored in the 30GB version. Zune has a larger screen size and is capable of portrait mode display. Zune has wallpaper, FM radio, wireless connectivity, and faster battery charge. Zune Plays WMA audio formats and WMV video formats. It has one more standard case color: brown!

There are advantages that iPod has over Zune. iPod plays games, is compatible with the Audible, Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV audio formats. It plays H.264, M4V, MP4, MOV, MPEG-4 video formats. It is slightly smaller and lighter than Zune. The iPod software works on PC and Mac. Zune only works with PCs.

The primary websites for music downloads are iTunes Store for iPod and Zune Marketplace for Zune. Both sites offer music downloads of 0.99 cents per song. With Zune Marketplace, you can buy a monthly subscription for $14.99 a month for unlimited downloads as long as you have a subscription.

But there are other online music stores out there so you are not limited to Apple and Microsoft. Do an online search for online music stores and determine what works for you.

The stores that I recommend are offered here and have one time fees:

For iPod music and video downloads, click on http://argee.feedipods.hop.clickbank.net

For Zune music and video downloads, click on http://argee.zreactor.hop.clickbank.net

Have fun with what ever portable media player you choose!

Argee Gallamoza is committed to helping others by providing straight forward information about consumer electronics. Ally Blog86266
Allison Blog20899

Van Insurance Quotes -- Find the Right Cover For Your Business

It is essential to ensure that you can find good value van insurance quotes for your company - the difficulty is that the huge amount of insurance terminology can occasionally make it hard to figure out just what cover you need, and what you don't.

All business owners need to be aware of the two compulsory insurance requirements all. Although they are compulsory, they only apply if you have employees or a van or commercial vehicle. Employers' Liability is the most important of the two; if you have any employees, even if they are on a part-time or casual basis, you have to have this cover. If an employee is injured, or suffers an illness due to work, then this covers the cost of any compensation that you might need to pay out.

Obtain Van Insurance Quotes

You need to have van insurance if you use a van or vehicle in the course of your work - even if you own the car or it is a company van. You need to ensure that your insurance certificate covers you for personal use, as well as business use, if you use it for both. This means extending your existing policy to Class One.

You will need Class Two cover if you want to be able to let other drivers use your commercial vehicle or van for business purposes. Class Three cover is required if you need to use the vehicle for commercial travelling purposes, ie driving to different locations to find customers.

You will require van insurance or commercial vehicle insurance if you have a vehicle or van that is used solely for business purposes. Usually, this type of cover will provide third party cover for any trailer that you attach to the vehicle, and also pay for a courtesy vehicle while yours is being repaired.

Another option for van insurance is goods in transit cover. This is worth considering if you have to transport goods across the country as it covers these for loss, theft or damage, regardless of whether the goods were being carried in your own vehicle, by post, courier or road haulier you can find good van insurance quotes online. The insurance policy also needs to cover you on other journeys that you make for business purposes, including trips to the cash and carry and door-to-door deliveries.

Peter Fitzpatrick is a Marketing Professional for many of the UK's Leading Commercial Insurance companies. With 20 years worth of commercial insurance experience, for companies including: Norwich Union, Churchill and Zurich. To learn more on van insurance quotes visit his website http://www.van-insurance-britain.co.ukAubine Blog39078
Alison Blog271

Make Easy Money Fast By Placing Ads

You can make easy money fast by placing ads . Whether you are promoting a new business opportunity or a new product, placing ads offline and online can greatly help your sales. There are a number of different things that go into placing ads from where you place your ads to your ad content.

First we will go over your ad content. When placing your ads you want an ad title that jumps out to the reader. Go over ads in the newspaper and other places that ads are posted. Read the catchy titles that jump out at you. That will give you a better understanding of what ad titles should look like. Next you want to test out your ad titles, so track every ad you put out there. Once you have your results then use the most effective ad titles in your main ad marketing campaign. Next you should work on the subject for your ads. The subject should not give away to much information, just enough to arouse curiosity.

You can place your ads offline and online they both work effectively. I would suggest using both methods. Placing your ads offline is pretty simple. Most people just post their ads everywhere but in reality you should target where you place your ads. If you are marketing a business opportunity then place your ads where people are, who would be interested in your type of opportunity. The same goes with your product, place your ads in places you would find your target market. Conventions and swap meets are pretty good places to place your ads. Placing your ads online is easier because you can post your ads in more places in less time. When placing your ads only to get sales place your ads everywhere available online. If you wanted to get more links for your website then I would suggest placing your ads in high ranking classified ad sites. Every week you should replace your old ad with a new one if allowed because the older ads tend to get dropped towards the bottom of the ad site.

The more ads you place the easier it will become to make easy money fast by placing ads .

Eric Fields wrote Make Easy Money Fast By Placing Ads. To learn more marketing techniques go to http://leadgeneration100.blogspot.com/.Angelica Blog93362
Ardra Blog66532

Know If Instant Payday Loans Are Right For You

You've seen the ads and have heard the stories. Now, you yourself need extra cash to cover for an emergency expense. Are instant payday loans the best solution for you? We examine what you need to know about these types of loans and whether or not you should turn to them to help solve your temporary cash problems.

What are instant payday loans?

If you're familiar with cash advances, then you have an idea of what instant payday loans are. These are unsecured loans that are available in small amounts, typically ranging from $100 to $1000. Some lenders offer more, especially if you qualify.

If they are unsecured, what do I use for collateral?

Instant payday loans are designed for emergency cash needs, that is why they are available only in smaller amounts. If you need say, $2500, for example, you'll have to find another source for your loan. While you will not be required to provide collateral, most lenders will require you to issue postdated checks, a show of good faith that you will pay back your loan.

What are the benefits of using instant payday loans?

Aside from being one of the easiest forms of loans to get, instant payday loans offer fast, convenient and secure transactions. Application procedures are short and do not require you to produce a lot of documentations. As long as you meet the qualifications, you could receive the money within 24 hours, even earlier.

Are there any disadvantages I should be aware of?

Instant payday loans by their very nature require a little bit of protection for the lenders. That is why borrowers are often charged higher interest rates compared to other types of loans. That makes instant payday loans more expensive. Lenders usually charge you about $15 for every $100 you borrow while other lenders charge as much as $30. That, and the fact that you will have to pay back the loan within a short period of time (usually as short as 14 days), makes instant payday loans a little difficult to handle.

However, you can try to find a lender who can offer you the lowest rates. That way, your loan is a lot easier to pay for and you could save a lot of money in the process. Talk to several lenders first before you make your final decision.

Should I get an instant payday loan?

Instant payday loans are right for you if you only need a small amount of cash for a temporary problem. Instant payday loans should not be used to pay for more regular expenses such as mortgage, groceries or luxuries like clothes and sports equipment. Regular use of these types of loan should be limited and must be resorted to only in real emergency cases.

You should also get an instant payday loan if you can pay back the loan amount and the interest on or before the agreed date. The horror stories you have heard about are people who obtained instant payday loans and were unable to pay them. They had these loans 'rolled over' as a new loan with a higher interest and ended up with a loan amount that is far too big for them to handle efficiently.

A lot of people have been helped by instant payday loans but only because they knew exactly what they were getting into and were prepared to face them. Make sure you understand what is expected of you and you can take advantage of the full benefit of instant payday loans.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information about a npaydayloan or payday advance checkout http://www.paydayloansinfo.orgAridatha Blog64217
Alis Blog86532

Get Financial Peace at Low Cost with Unsecured Loans

Money is a very important element of a stress free smooth life. But there have been situations in your life when you feel outraged and disappointed just because of your dwindling financial state. To overcome situations like this one helping hand can prevent you from disappointment and can help your life run as smooth as ever. Low cost unsecured loans are one such opportunity that can provide you money to fulfill all your wishes.

Low cost unsecured loans are as the name itself suggests cheap loans that are available without any security. There may be various reasons why you cannot put a security against the loan. An unsecured loan thus is available to you if you are a tenant, non-homeowner, a student etc. you want a loan. Low rate unsecured loans are also available if you own a property but still you do not wish to put it at risk.

With low cost unsecured loans, you can seek an amount ranging from 1000 to 25,000, for a period of 6months to 10 years. The interest rate will depend upon the amount you borrow and the repayment you choose. Since lenders offer low cost loans, you need not worry about interest rate. Even if you have a bad credit history, you do not need to get upset as low rate unsecured loans are available to individuals having poor credit score, arrears, defaults, bankruptcy, or any County Court Judgment. These loans can help you borrow money in a very reasonable rate which you can repay easily. Easy repayment will both make your bad credit turn good and increase your chances of getting a cheap loan in future.

You can use low cost unsecured loans for your numerous purposes. These are multipurpose loans and can be used for debt consolidation, paying off medical or educational bills, to meet wedding or holiday expenses and many more.

With a low cost unsecured loan, you will save a huge amount of money and time as well. In order to avail these loans you do not have to find lenders and contact them personally. Now you can get in touch with the kind of lender you want while just sitting at home! Yes, online lenders offer you this convenient and cost effective mode of lending the money through internet. They will simply ask you to fill an online application form where you will have to give details about your credit history and some important details. After submitting the form, your loan will be approved in a very short time and the money will also reach you soon. This is a very cost effective and fast mode of availing low cost unsecured loans.

Getting money when you need it is not an easy task. You have to apply effort and time in order to get your wishes fulfilled. Low cost unsecured loans offer you one such opportunity where you can do away with all these efforts and get easy and fast financial support.

Elizabeth Swann is currently working as an expert author for Instant Decision Unsecured Loan. She writes for loans and finance and provides advices on such issues. For more details including low cost unsecured loans, Unsecured Loans for UK Tenants, unsecured loans with poor credit, online personal unsecured loans, Unsecured Loans Tenants, Small Personal Unsecured Loans visit http://www.instantdecisionunsecuredloan.co.uk Ally Blog86266
Aila Blog83372

A Quick Way to Get Cash- Bad Credit Payday Loan

Finding it difficult to meet to urgent cash need? Bad credit might have hampered several of your financial activities, but it can no more stop you from getting a loan. Now you can get easy and fast money with bad credit payday loans which can get you quick cash for your urgent financial need.

Bad credit payday loans are meant for individuals who need instant money. You might face situations when an unexpected medical bill arises or you might have to pay your phone bill or electricity bill for which you might not arrange for fund from your monthly salary or you might not want to disturb your savings or there could be any other reason why you are unable to meet your urgent cash needs. Payday loans are available to you in a very short time so that you can easily get through emergencies without any debt pressure.

As you get payday loans within a very short time, there is not much documentation and hence no credit check is run by the lender. Thus, in order to avail payday loans all kinds of credit holders including bad credit individuals.

Payday loans are available to you if you fulfill the following conditions:

-You must be a regular employee of any organization or firm

-Your minimum salary should be 1000

-You should have a current checking account

-You should be a UK citizen with above 18 years of age.

In order to avail bad credit payday loans you have to be employed. This is for the one major reason that payday loans are offered against a post-dated check signed by you in and kept with the lender in advance. This check serves as collateral against the loan and has the total amount included which the borrower will have to pay at the repayment term. When the term gets over, the lender automatically gets the loan amount back including other charges.

A bad credit payday loan can get you loans up to an amount of 1500 and with a repayment term of a week to a month. The interest rate depends on the loan amount and the repayment that you choose.

Quick payday loans can be easily availed if you apply online. Online lending gives you an option to go through the websites of several lenders and get a clear picture of loan rates. When you get the idea, you can easily choose and select the best lender according to your requirement and repayment capacity. Online quick payday loans also offer a great deal of benefits to bad credit holders by offering discounts and concessions.

Avail bad credit payday loans and get quick cash within as less as 24 hours. So what are you waiting for, get rid of emergencies and be stress-free.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed her LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. She is currently working with Bad Credit Payday Loan as a financial advisor. To find bad credit payday loan,bad credit personal payday loan,Online bad credit payday loans,bad credit payday cash loan,advance bad credit payday loan that best site's you need visit http://www.bad-credit-payday-loan.net.Anissa Blog52587
Ariel Blog90118

529 To The Rescue

Like every parent, you too expect the best for your child- the best clothes, best house, best school and the best college. Expecting the best for your child does not mean that you will always be able to give him/her the best. There may be financial constraints that you can face. The big problem arises when you pay for your child's higher education. 529 is an effective tool that will be useful for you in paying the education cost of college.

This is a known truth that the college costs go up each year. In order to provide your child with a good higher education you should start saving money now. 529 is an investment plan that helps you save money in a smarter way. 529 plan is the program, which takes away all your worries related to your ward's future education. It is a plan that can really help you save money for the college fees. 529 plans offer two options, one is the college savings plan and the other is prepaid tuition plan.

Some of the advantages of 529 plan are:

* The money that you earn is income-tax free.

* You have complete control over the account proceedings. In other words, the parent who is investing money in the account has control over the assets within the program. The age of the beneficiary doesn't matter; the control still remains in your hands and not your childs.

* You can change the beneficiary of the plan at any time.

* The money that you withdraw can be used for expenses such as college fees, books, boarding charges, lodging charges, computers etc.

* Your familys income level is not a constraint for saving in the 529 plans.

If you want to ensure quality education for your child in the future years, then you must start saving now. For example, suppose your child is 8 years old, then you have almost 10 years to save for his/her college education. A 529 plan will help you do so smoothly and with a lot of ease. Ten years of saving might seem a long time, but if you look at the increasing costs of college education, you will realize how crucial saving in these years will be. So, if you don't start saving now then realize that you are putting your child's future at stake.

Jay White is an author, copywriter, and marketer who's trying to figure out how he's going to put 2 kids through college. For more great tips, techniques, and strategies about how to save money with 529 plans, check out http://www.529-comparison.com 529 ComparisonArabele Blog84796
Arlen Blog54850

The Negatives Associated with Companies that Offer Lifetime Hosting Plans

Yes, I pay a set amount each and every month for my hosting and some of the additional services cost extra but these companies that offer Lifetime Hosting sound like a great money saver. What I don't understand is where is their incentive to perform each and every month. What if I pay this $100 plus fee and they just shut their company down and I can never find them again.

What about the fact that all they have is a sales page? Nothing deeper than that sales page, no support page, no FAQ page, nothing, nada, zip. With my present host, one of the things that I like, is whenever I call them there is somebody there to answer my call. Their support can be the ticket system, live chat, or phone support which is the one I prefer when I want an answer right then and there.

Just recently, I bought a software product via the WWW using my credit card. The software never came so I disputed the charge. After a month my credit card company sent me an email saying that they found in favor of the merchant because the sale was an intangible product and that I knew the risk before purchasing. So now I am out my $43 what happens when the hosting company takes off with my $100 plus, if I find them will I be able to get my money back?

I try to never buy a product where there is only a sales pages. Sites that don't have an email address or a phone number very rarely will get my business. I especially hate it when you do a Whois lookup and the registrar comes up as private or a bogus name and info.

I also see that these companies offering lifetime hosting usually offer great disk space and I've even seen some of unlimited bandwidth but 2 problems I see here is what if you need more space then what they give you and how many sites out there in the world are using any descent amount of bandwidth. I have 20 different sites and even though it is unfortunate but only 1 of them will ever exceed the use of more than 1Gig of bandwidth. What do I need unlimited bandwidht for?

Jeffrey Solochek is the Purple Cow of todays writers always adding his own unique wit and humor to everything. http://www.nosugarcoating.infoAshly Blog48762
Averyl Blog98832

Effective Client Communication

Whether you know it or not, your database of current and past clients is your best source of new clients. Prospecting for a new client is time consuming and expensive. If you can find a way to increase your sales without the time commitment and expense of cold calling, mass direct mail, advertising or purchasing leads, would you be willing to implement it? Of course, you would.

Taking the time and effort to keep in contact with past clients will grow your business through new direct sales to the client and generating referrals to qualified prospects.

Often salespeople complain that keeping in touch with past clients takes too much time, effort, and money. Considering the return on investment, this really is not trueat least for most salespeople. The key is finding a way to communicate that is time efficient, relatively inexpensive, and effective.

Studies indicate that in order to keep your name at the top of your customers mind, you need to touch your customer a minimum of 14 times per yearmore if at all possible.

What is a touch? A touch is any communication from you to your clientemail, telephone call, snail mail, postcard, holiday card, in-person meeting, or any other method of getting in front of your customer. If you are communicating with the client, you are touching them.

What is the most effective way to touch your past clients? Studies have shown that there is not a best way to touch the client, but rather, the most effective client communication programs enlist a number of communication formats.

Sending 14 emails, a year is better than nothing, but it is not the best way. Neither would be sending 14 snail mail pieces. Or, making 14 phone calls. Nor, sending 14 postcards during the course of the year. However, constructing a campaign using a combination of these methods could be a very effective program. For instance, setting a marketing calendar to send 4 postcards per year, 6 emails, 2 snail mail letters, one phone call, and one holiday card during the course of the year allows you to touch your client approximately once every 3 weeks during the course of the year.

But, what do you send? What do you say 14 times during the course of the year? The content of your communication is just as important as the fact that you sent something. When you communicate with a past client, the fact that you have something in front of a previous customer is not necessarily a good thing, in and of itself.

Many traditional marketers will disagree. Much traditional thinking says that any time you get your name in front a client it is a good thing. However, is a 3-second trip to the trash for your expensive postcard or letter best the use of your money?

Whether or not your communication campaign is effective will depend on what you are communicating. If you send junk, just to send something, your customer will quickly learn to ignore you and your communications and everything you send will take that 3-secnd trip to the trash. On the other hand, if your communications offer something of interest and value, you will train your client to pay attention to you.

Which would you rather have: a client that ignores you, or one that pays attention to you?

I assume you would rather have a client that pays attention to you. To train your clients to pay attention, and, therefore, to keep you at the top of their mind, you must figure out how to send them communications that give them value. Can you offer a special for them or someone they refer to you? Can you provide them an annual or semi-annual update on their purchase? Can you send or email them articles of interest that relate to their purchase or an interest of theirs? What you send does not have to be large or costlyit just needs to be of interest to the client.

A program such as this requires thought and considerable customization of content, but the payoff can be enormous. Think about what you are sending and what it willor will notcommunicate about you and your business. If you want your clients to think of you and not ignore you, then take the time and the effort to make sure you are sending value. If you are not sure it has value, it probably does not. Marketing to your client database should be at the top of your to do list and your campaign should be constructed with the thought and care as if you were marketing to the most important people in the world, because for you, they are.

Author and trainer, Paul McCord is a leading authority on prospecting, referral selling, and personal marketing. His book, Creating a Million Dollar a Year Sales Income (John Wiley & Sons) teaches the strategies the million dollars a year sales superstars use. http://www.powerreferralselling.comAshli Blog65690
Amber Blog69726

How Tires Affect Your Gas Mileage

Your tires where the rubber meets the road.

And when it comes to saving money on gas, theres a lot of opportunity to get better milesge from your tires. Here are some tips for getting better mileage with your tires.

1 Proper Inflation

Its been estimated that up to 50% of people are driving around on underinflated tires. While tires that dont have proper air pressure in them are unsafe, you will also lose 2% of your gas mileage for every 5 pounds per square inch (psi) of pressure that you are below the manufacturers recommended pressure. The reason is that if your tire isnt inflated properly, theres going to be more tire touching the road, causing more friction, which reduces gas mileage.

How can you tell if your tires are underinflated? Well, if they look flat they probably are, but its not always possible to tell if your tires are properly inflated just by looking at them. In fact, its actually quite difficult. What you need is a tool called a tire pressure gauge that you can get from any auto parts store and even your local Walmart or Sears theyre not expensive. Also, some gas station hoses will have one of these tools built onto them so you can check your pressure when you fill up.

When youre filling up one tire, make sure you check the rest to make sure that all your tires are properly and evenly inflated.

2 Type of Tire

Some tires have specialized purposes like snow tires. Snow tires are really good at driving through snow, but they do so at the expense of gas mileage. If you put snow tires on for the winter, make sure you get them off in spring.

Also, using steel belted tires can help you improve your gas mileage by up to 10%.

And when youre buying tires, try to fine a tire that has a low rolling resistance.

Wide tires and studded tires will both significantly lower your gas mileage.

3 Alignment & Balance

Make sure that your wheels are properly balanced and aligned. While this isnt really something you can do at home without specialized equipment, your local auto repair shop can easily do this for you. Keeping everything aligned and balanced means that your tires will roll as freely as possible, helping you consume less gas.

While there are a lot of things you can do to save money on gas, make sure you dont neglect looking at improving your tires since theyre the only part of your vehicle that actually touches the road.

Gary Ruplinger is the owner of http://FuelSavingZone.com and the author of 61 ways to save money on gas which is available at http://www.fuelsavingzone.com/ absolutely free.Aurel Blog96291
Astra Blog5021

Making Money from Websites, Jobs, Online

Making Money online using your PC which is connected to the Internet at home by building a Website has never been easier. When you build a Website that has enough visitors, say 1000 visitors per day, you can make decent money from Affiliate programs and advertising agencies who advertise for their clients and look for publishers, ie Websites on the Internet.

Affiliate Programs (or Associates as some programs call them) make money by referring their site's visitors to the Affiliate program Website (e.g. amzon.com). Your site will be provided with a special ID and whenever a visitor of you site clicks on the affiliate ad, that ID is passed to the Affiliate program manager. Now, how you get paid differs from Affiliate to another.

Some Affiliates pay you when your visitors buy products from their sites, others, pay you for clicking on ads shown at your site.

This site will help you build your online business by showing you how and where to start this new invention in your life. We recommend assessing your own capabilities of building a Website, investigate buying one if your skills or more with marketing rather than technical.

We also explore with you the techniques of writing a professional CV to find the best paying job. The job interview secrets, typical questions and answers are also revealed. We help you with your body language when you go for a Job Interview up the level of describing the best handshake.

Building your wealth has many avenues. Your job savings should be invested in the right way.

The first way to accumulate wealth and become rich is to wipe your debt. Click here to find the simple way to invest your saving.

Hala Amereh is financila advisor. She concluded a new website called http://www.money-from-website.com that summarises here experience in makting money the simple way.Agna Blog3951
Alys Blog69387

Continuing a Higher Education Online

When it comes to gaining a higher education, online opportunities are quickly becoming one of the most popular options around. If it's not the user friendly features of online learning, then it's the cost effective aspects that appeal to the average working adult. This is the person who is greatly interested in the benefits that come from a higher education, just not the rigid schedules and the pricey tuitions that tend to go with it. The benefits of online learning go beyond time and cost to offer a sense of accomplishment once the new Associate's, Bachelor's or Master's degree is in hand.

With technology consistently changing the shape of the landscape of nearly everything, the history of e-Learning has evolved and continues to evolve into great legitimacy in the world of education. While conventional classrooms still have their place, the virtual classroom is seeing more and more students each year. With the accreditation of online schools offering not only a number of degrees and qualifications, the opportunity for financial aid also makes online venues even more attractive. For some, there is just no beating the practical experience one receives in online degree programs. This is especially true when career advancement hangs in the balance.

Whether opting for a particular qualification or needing to get a general education online, prospective students will find just the right courses they need in almost every subject. For some, online education can offer a chance to either broaden horizons or narrow down career options. Selecting a variety of subjects can help define a career path when a student finds they gravitate more toward certain subjects more than others. Often, online credits are considered transferable and can help in achieving one's degree.

It is doubtful that distance learning could have ever reached the level of effectiveness that it has without the help of the internet. Though this type of learning has been in place for a great number of years, it is the information superhighway that has changed the face of education from a distance forever. Where students waited weeks and months for correspondence from distant universities, one now merely needs to take a few seconds to log on to their virtual campus to get assignments. The virtual learning environment provides not only learning tools but collaborative software featuring such options as chat, discussion boards and even audio-conferencing. This can make long distance learning seem like anything but.

The advent of computer-based testing allows for students to gauge their skills and focus attention right where they need it. This leads to another bonus in the world of online education in the form of handy online tutoring. Students will find that supplemental learning options are readily available to those who may need the extra help from time to time. Many have come to realize that the only way to get around the frustration that sometimes comes with learning new skills is understanding the material better.

Most online programs generally consist of CBT (computer-based training), WBT (web-based training), interactive media, educational animation and a whole slew of other types of educational technology. Rapidly improving technology continues to develop these features at every turn, making online learning more and more efficient. Learning management software allows students to take control of their education and organize it right down to the specifics of career planning using ePortflios.

Of all the things the internet has proven itself to be useful for, online and distance learning continue to make their appearance at the very top of the list. The ability to cut across the distances in the blink of an eye and share common information also crosses the borders of the amazing. Every new technological enhancement ensures there will be no stopping the world of continuing education.

Steven Ross owns and operates http://www.highereducationonlinereport.com Visit His Site To Read Many More Articles About Higher Education OnlineAdel Blog53568
Ashlen Blog49726

Low Interest Cash Back Credit Cards: Rewards If You Spend

People are now prone to use to credit cards since they save you from paying in cash and also allow you to buy in credit. However, as more people are riveted towards credit cards, the competition among the issuers of credit cards is also growing high day by day. There are types of credit cards in the market, each with a unique benefits attached. This is simply to lure the users. Take one example; the cash back credit cards, which earlier had merely the cash back offers, have now become low interest cash back credit cards. There was a time when cash back credit cards used to charge high interest which has become much low this time.

To know how this metamorphosis came up, one should have a first hand knowledge of what do the cash back credit cards mean. So, cash back credit cards offer a percentage of your pounds spent on buys as reward to you. In clear terms, you will get back a percentage of your bucks spent. In fact, this cash back policy itself gives a boost in your interest payment capacity and thereby makes them so easy that you will feel as if no interest is being paid. So, this also makes the interest low in a way. Here, in cash back credit cards, you spend 100, you will get at least 1 as the incentive.

Low interest cash back credit cards however, offer a number of benefits. Just like other regular credit cards, low interest cash back credit cards also have got an introductory interest free offer, and this is one of the prime reasons why they are called low interest cash back credit cards. Another benefit in low interest cash back credit card is that there is hardly any limit in the reward. You can grab the more incentives the more you spend. And, the low interest cash back credit cards have no annual fee, which also works in curbing the cost.

However, it is the online facility which actually contributes the most in the interest rates of low interest cash back credit cards. Online makes the processing easier. The best offers with low interest rates in the low interest cash credit cards are only clicks away there. This is the reason why most of the lenders of low interest cash back credit cards keep the web thronged round the clock. This huge presence is also somewhat beneficial for the health of your payment of the interest since it boosts the competition there and thus makes the interest rates as low too.

Low interest cash back credit cards offer cash back facility and that is also with low interest. Could you think anything better than this?

Josephine Wingfield is an expert credit advisor. She can give you some useful information regarding credit cards. She has done higher studies in finance from Cambridge University. To find Cash Back Credit Cards, credit card, 0% credit cards, balance transfer cards, gold credit cards, platinum credit cards, business credit cards visit http://www.creditcardsz.co.uk/Alejandra Blog75873
Alethea Blog12064

Do You Want A Job Or A Home Business?

Which one are you looking for: a work at home job or a home based business? Did you answer "work at home job"? Most people will give the same response, not because they really want a boss breathing down their neck, just because they never realised having their own business was an option.

The sad truth is that just about all the people who don't consider anything beyond a traditional salaried job are going to be disappointed. No matter how hard or long they search, they won't find what they are hoping for. The reason for this is very simple: there are just not enough home based jobs to go round, there never have been. The work at home job opportunities you see advertised online will, on investigation, turn out to be freelance work or self-employed commission only work or, worst of all, scams. There are even unscrupulous website owners who will demand a fee from you to let you view a list of non-existent jobs.

The good news is that you can earn money at home even if you don't have a job. The Internet offers so many different ways to make money, you don't need to worry about whether you are working at a home based job or running your own home business. Here are some suggestions for different types of Internet work at home opportunities that can all be done on a part time basis to suit your commitments and personal preferences.

Online Surveys

Getting paid to participate in online surveys and focus groups is about the easiest way to earn money at home. You need absolutely no previous experience, special skills or knowledge. Market research companies just want to know the opinions of ordinary people and they are prepared to pay to get those opinions. The process is simple: you sign up with a company, they will notify you via email when a survey is available, you complete the survey, they pay you. All from the comfort of your own home.

Get Paid To

There are companies who will pay you to perform various online tasks such as reading commercial emails, signing up for free offers and playing games. This really is as easy as it sounds and you can perform these tasks at any time that suits you. You can sign up to individual companies who offer a particular variety of this type of work (eg get paid to read email companies). Alternatively, there are companies online where membership includes access to a selection of all sorts of different money earning opportunities. The individual tasks only take a matter of minutes to complete, so they can easily be done in your odd spare moments.

Online surveys and "get paid to" programs are about the closest thing to an employer-employee relationship we will be looking at in Internet opportunities. The companies send you tasks, you perform them and the companies pay you. The situation with the following work at home opportunities is different insofar as your earning capacity is limited only by your preferences and capabilities. In short: the more you do, the more you can earn.

Data Entry

Data entry programs are a little more advanced than online surveys but full training is included in the package and, if you have average typing skills and the ability to follow simple instructions, it is possible to earn a great deal of money doing online data entry. Online data entry is not the same as the old-fashioned boring and time consuming data entry work. The work can be completed in a spare half hour here and there to fit in with your day to day routines. You don't need any previous experience to do this work and, with the aid of the training provided, you can start earning money straight away.

Affiliate Marketing

Internet affiliate marketing offers a way to make money online without needing to have your own website. The way it works is simple: you promote other people's products and receive commission on the sales you achieve. It is possible to earn large sums of money through affiliate marketing. In order to be successful, you will need to learn how to market products effectively. It is, therefore, better to find a company offering training for affiliate when you first start out.

Multi Level Marketing

Multi level marketing is usually referred to just as MLM and, although it is frequently confused with illegal pyramid schemes, it is different. MLM is legitimate and can be a good way of earning money from home. The way it works is that you join the company and earn commissions for selling the company's products. ( The product could be just about anything you can think of eg satellite TV, phone services, cosmetics, wellness products, downloadable ebooks, insurance etc). You also recruit other people into the company. These people are placed in your "team" and you get paid a percentage of any sales your recruits generate. When choosing an MLM company, don't be swayed by promises of huge earnings. Obviously earning potential is important but the first thing to look at is whether you will feel happy to endorse the product. You won't be able to convince other people to purchase the product or to join you in your team if you don't have faith in the product.

You can earn money at home doing one or a combination of several of the above opportunities but none of them is a job by the usual definition of the word. You don't have a contract of employment, you are responsible for your own tax liabilities and you don't get paid holidays or sickness benefits. What you do get is your freedom and the chance to shape the quality of your own future both in financial terms and in terms of how you spend your time. Are you sure it's really a job you want?

Copyright 2006 Elaine Currie

Visit Elaine Currie at her Work At Home Income Directory Website to start your Home Business today.Amelie Blog34351
Allianora Blog31680

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